Annual Conference: Call For Sessions

 Session proposals are closed for 2024


Sessions from the Heart

We are calling for sessions to create another great conference for everyone. The Local Arrangements Committee invites you to review some topics we have thought of based on our “Good For the Heart” theme and the reviews from last year. AACRAO's core competencies can also help generate thought provoking session ideas.

Session Ideas from LAC:

  • Best Recruitment Practices
  • Teamwork in the Office
  • Admission Requirement Sharing
  • Serving Transfer Students
  • Time Management in the Workplace
  • Strength Training – Working as a Team
  • International Students/Diverse Populations
  • Denial Calls, Denial Letters: Pathways for Students
  • Mental Health in our Profession
  • Engaging Nontraditional Students
  • FAFSA Changes & Updates
  • Strategic Planning and/or Best Practices for Registrars
  • Scholarship Inclusion (for underrepresented populations)

AACRAO Core Competencies:

  • Change Management
  • Collaborative Decision-Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Interpretation & Application of Institutional or External Data
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Holistic & Systemic Thinking
  • Leadership & Management
  • Professional Integrity
  • Professional Development